Monday 7 December 2009

So where now?

Well for my next 250 points, to make a nice sized army, I am adding in my rocketeer as said in prior blog. In addition to this, I'm adding a wardog to Sorscha's unit for added muscle, 4 strong battlemek unit with the destroyer here and a devestator replacing it in Sorscha's unit. Grigorovich to go with my winter guard and a unit of widowmakers.
Although I have the models for this, I plan to create some terrain, using the GW kits, I am making the fortified manor, an extra church and tower, a few copses of trees and a lake. This should be more than enough terrain and I will theme it accordingly.
Speak soon!

500 points

Well here it is, my 500 point force. Remeber Irusk is a manhunter, but all the rest of the army is as it should be. I have 2 field guns to provide some nasty damage (last box damaged, strips all boxes in column), my 18+ hitting and 24+ damaging winter guard, my sneaky-sneaky manhunter, juggernaut for combat, destroyer to add to my firepower and my Sorscha warcaster.


Unfortunately all things must be smashed and this will include my 'jacks. Well as an additional part to my force I have added two damaged warjack markers, painted to resemble my working 'jacks. All in all I think it looks ok :D

Completed squad and "manhunter"

I have now completed the squad. It has 12 models (please not rocketeer - bought as a pressent, part of my 750 points but painted early :D ) which gives 18+2D6 to hit and 24(!!!)+2D6 to THATS nasty - only one shot a turn but will hit hard. Combined with my other units, I should be able to take down atleast a warjack or two a turn with great ease!!!
I have also painted Isruk. I love this model but can't use as a second warcaster until 1000 points so he counts as a manhunter. I didn't paint his eyes on this, why? well I like the idea of the hat hiding his eyes and thus his plans for the enemy - mainly death!!

Winter Guard Squad

Well, I got the box set of the winter guard plus a few extra bits.
I decided to paint them in the same colours as the Warcaster and Warjacks. I started with a scorched brown undercoat, followed by white (GW bleached bone) highlighting up from brown to white and red (red gore) the same way. Final highlights in skull white and blood red respectively.
Metal was tin bits, brazen brass and then the good old ink wash of chestnut, black and 'ard coat.
Flesh was vermin brown highlighting using dwarf flesh.
Basing was easy - glue on sand and leave to dry. Brown ink all over. When dry glue on sparse static grass and when dry add patches of snow using glue and skull white mix.